Practice Policies

Chaperone Policy

If you require a chaperone please inform the receptionist at the time of booking or on arrival for you appointment.

Our policy related to Chaperoning (click to open):

Chaperone policy


We ask you for personal information so you can receive appropriate care and treatment. This information is recorded on computer and we are registered under the Data Protection Act. The practice will ensure that patient confidentiality is maintained at all times by all members of the practice team. However, for the effective functioning of a multi-disciplinary team it is sometimes necessary that medical information about you is shared between members of the team. Access to confidential patient information is given only to those NHS healthcare professionals who need it in order to provide a service to the patient. All staff working in the surgery are subject to stringent confidentiality requirements and no information from your record will be released to third parties outside the NHS without your specific consent.

Access to health records

Under GDPR you have the right to see your health records although certain legal exclusions may apply. You cannot be charged a fee to view your medical records or to be provided with a copy of them, but you can be charged for extra copies or for unusual requests. If you would like to view or receive copies of your health records, please refer to the Subject Access Request Form.


If you have any concerns regarding the confidentiality of your personal medical records, or you would like further information. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor or the Business Manager.

Freedom of Information

Freedom of Information Act Publication

Welcome to the Publication Scheme for Langport Surgery as required by the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Freedom of information policy

Health and Safety

General Public

  • To employ only trained staff (or trainees that are supervised by a suitably qualified person)
  • To provide suitably safe facilities and equipment [that has regular safety checks]
  • To have established procedures for evacuation of the premises in case of an emergency
  • To have Infection control procedures in place


  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions

Specific Arrangements

  • All work areas to be kept clean and tidy
  • All rubbish to be cleaned away
  • All gangways and staircases to be kept clear at all times
  • All spillages of water, chemicals or other substances to be cleared immediately with due respect to the content of the material spoilt
  • No machinery or other equipment to be run without necessary guards and safety equipment in position and in full working order
  • Excepting for clinical emergencies, no person will be allowed on site under the influence of alcohol and/or non-prescribed drugs
  • To establish and maintain fire extinguisher and fire points
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health
  • To record any accidents in the Accident Book and immediately report any such accident to the Practice Manager
  • To review and revise this policy as appropriate at regular intervals

Infection Control

Infection Control Statement – February 2024

It is a requirement of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the prevention and control of infections and related guidance that the Infection Prevention and Control Lead produces and annual statement with regard to Compliance with good practice on infection prevention and control.

It summarises:-

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event Procedure).
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken.
  • Details of any risk assessments undertaken for prevention and control of infection.
  • Details of any staff training.
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.

Infection Transmission Incidents (Significant Events)

Significant events (which may involve examples of good practice as well as challenging events) are investigated in detail to see what can be learnt and to indicate changes that might lead to future improvements.  All significant events are reviewed and learning is cascaded to all relevant staff.  They are logged on our Intranet (TeamNet) and discussed at the practice.

There have been no infection control incidents in the past 12 months which have resulted in a Significant Event Analysis at Langport Surgery, however following discussion we have decided to:

  • Continue to provide annual infection control updates for both clinical and non-clinical staff.
  • Ensure infection control guidance remains accessible to all staff via TeamNet.
  • Training is logged on TeamNet.

Infection Prevention Audits and Actions

The Annual Infection Prevention and Control audit was completed by Andrea Simmonds, (Lead Nurse and Infection Control Lead) in August 2023.

As a result of the audit the following things have been changed:

  • Handwashing posters updated and refreshed in all clinical areas.
  • Additional chairs added to staff room to replace damaged ones.

The Practice plan to undertake the following audits in 2024:

  • Annual Infection Prevention and Control audit

Risk Assessments

Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then followed.  In the last year the following risk assessments were carried out/reviewed.

  • Legionella (Water) Risk Assessments: The practice reviews its water safety risk assessment to ensure that the water supply does not pose a risk to patients, visitors or staff.
  • Immunisation: As a practice we ensure that all our staff members are up to date with their Hepatitis B immunisations and offered any occupational health vaccinations applicable to their role (i.e. MMR, Seasonal Flu). We take part in the National Immunisation campaigns for patients and offer vaccinations in house and via home visits to our patient population.


All our staff members receive annual training in infection prevention and control.

Members of staff either attend an annual Infection Control Update or complete an e-learning update.


All Infection Prevention Control related policies are in date and have been reviewed.

Policies relating to Infection Control are available to all staff and are reviewed and updated regularly, and all are amended on an on-going basis as current advice, guidance and legislation changes.  Infection Control policies are available on TeamNet for all staff to read.


It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this Statement and their roles and responsibilities under this.

Review Date

February 2025

Responsibility for Review

The Infection Prevention and Control Lead and the Operations Manager are responsible for reviewing and producing the Annual Statement.

Charlotte Norris (Operations Manager)

Andrea Simmonds (Lead Practice Nurse)

For and on behalf of Langport Surgery

Patients Charter

Aims and objectives

At Langport Surgery we aim to provide our patients with the best quality care available. Our charter is a statement of what you can expect from the practice and what we feel we can expect from you in return.

Your rights as our patient:

  • We are committed to giving you the best possible service we can achieve by working together.
  • You will always be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • You will always be offered the treatment we believe is appropriate for you, by a suitably qualified person.
  • We will provide information about our services in our practice booklet and through our staff.
  • We will make every effort to see you promptly. Medical emergencies will receive immediate attention and there will be a duty doctor available each day for urgent problems.
  • We will offer you a same day appointment whenever possible. If an appointment is not available, we will arrange for you to see a doctor on the same day after normal surgery provided you are prepared to wait.
  • Emergency cover will be available at all times outside normal surgery opening hours by telephoning 111.
  • Medical advice is available 24 hours a day from the NHS 111 website.
  • We will tell you when the results of tests and X-rays are likely to be available and how to obtain them.
  • Please allow 48 (working) hours between requesting and collecting your medication. Repeat prescriptions requested on Friday before 5:30 will be available for collection on Tuesday; after this time collection should be on Wednesday.
  • We will strive to promote good health through advice and preventative medicine.
  • We will respect your rights of confidentiality and rights to access medical records within the law.
  • We will try to deal with any problems or complaints as quickly as possible which you bring to our attention and welcome your suggestions for improving our service to you.

What you can do for us

  • You are partners in the care you receive and we ask you to accept your own responsibilities in return.
  • Please treat your surgery staff with due courtesy and respect.
  • If you are unclear about your treatment please ask. Try to follow any medical advice given you.
  • If you need a home visit, if possible please telephone before 10.30am.
  • Only ask for urgent appointments or home visits when appropriate.
  • Let us know as soon as you can if you cannot keep an appointment.
  • Please telephone after 10:00am to obtain the results of investigations and X-rays.
  • Whenever possible please request repeat prescriptions using the slip on your prescription form or by ordering online. Your repeat slip may be sent by post enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope or dropped into the prescriptions post box in the surgery foyer.
  • Please respond promptly to any letters we may send to you.
  • Be understanding when your own consultation is delayed by someone else’s unexpected emergency.
  • Many illnesses can be prevented through healthy living. Ask about “Looking after your Health” advice.
  • Screening programmes are invaluable in the early detection certain illness. Please take advantage of them.


Everybody has the right to be safe, no matter who they are or what their circumstance.

Safeguarding is about protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of children, young people and vulnerable adults and enabling them to live free from abuse or neglect.  We are all responsible for the safety of children, young people and vulnerable adults and must ensure that we are doing all we can to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

The surgery has safeguarding policies to ensure the safety of all our patients. Our staff are trained to identify when people may be at risk. Our practice safeguarding lead is Dr Myriam Groessens, who oversees the practice policies and protocols on safeguarding.

If patients or their relatives have any safeguarding concerns, they should contact the practice for further advice.

Our policies related to safeguarding comprise of (click to open):

Useful Links and Resources

Below are some useful links and resources. If you have any concerns about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult please speak to someone – you could be the one person to make a huge difference.

Somerset Domestic Abuse
Somerset Survivors
Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service for Young People
Somerset Thinking it? Report it 
Report a Child at Risk 
Report an Adult at Risk

Violent and Unacceptable Behaviour

Our practice staff are here to help you.

Our aim is to be as polite and helpful as possible to all patients.

If you consider that you have been treated unfairly or inappropriately, please contact Sarah Poyntz-Wright, Business Manager, who will be happy to address your concerns. You may do this in writing or by asking reception to arrange a convenient time to talk over the telephone.

Shouting or swearing at practice staff will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Patients who are abusive, rude or discriminatory towards staff may be removed from the patient list.

Please help us to help you.

Thank you.