Domestic Abuse

Somerset Integrated Domestic Abuse Service

NHS – Domestic abuse

Women’s Aid has a Local Support near you page which ‘contains up to date information about domestic abuse services across the UK.’

  • Refuge freephone 24 hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline — 0808 2000 247.
  • Samaritans — 116 123 ‘Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We’re here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.’
  • Victim Support — 0808 1689 111 ‘Get in touch anytime for independent, free and confidential advice.’
  • Survivors UK — 020 3598 3898  ‘We support male and non-binary survivors of sexual violence, providing counselling, practical help and community on your healing journey.’
  • Men’s Aid — 0333 567 0556 ‘To relieve hardship, distress and suffering of male victims.’
  • Mankind — 01273 911680 ‘For men in England and Wales affected by unwanted sexual experiences.’
  • ManKind Initiative — 01823 334244 ‘Helping men escape domestic abuse.’
  • ChildLine — 0800 1111 ‘Online, On the phone, Anytime.’
  • Respect — 0808 802 4040   ‘We advance best practice on work with domestic abuse perpetrators, male victims and young people who use violence and abuse.’
  • galop (formerly Broken Rainbow) — 0800 999 5428 ‘Support for LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.’
  • Relate —  ‘Whether it’s your relationship with a partner, a child, a family member or anyone else – we help everyone to build better relationships.’
  • Southall Black Sisters — 020 8571 0800; ‘We highlight and challenge all forms of violence against women and girls, empowering them to gain control over their lives & assert their human rights to justice, equality and freedom.’ 
  • Legal advice  — 0800 970 2070 National Centre for Domestic Violence