Mental Health Resources

Wellbeing South Somerset – a directory of useful contacts Wellbeing South Somerset – Support to Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

CAMHS Single Point of Access now accepting self-referrals from 16-17 year olds

CAMHS Single Point of Access Team (SPA) are now accepting self-referrals from 16-17 year olds. Young people can refer themselves to CAMHS by phoning SPA on 0300 124 5012 or by completing the online self-referral form found on CAMHS Self Referall Poster

Talking Therapies – self-refer to talking therapies counselling and they will assess and refer you to the best type of counselling for you.

Crisis Safe Space flyer

Mind – online information to empower you, infoline providing confidential help and legal line for advice around the law and mental health. Plus local mind groups as below.

Mind in Somerset – Mindline open 24/7 01823276892. One-to- one support/ adult support groups/ peer support/ gardening/arts/ mind café’s/ mindline Trans+.

Mind in Somerset for young people

Childline – Info, advice and support for Children

Somerset mental wellbeing service– connect with wellbeing navigators to discuss your goals and ways to achieve them  plus peer support.

Relate – relationship counselling information- family life and parenting/ sex/ separation or divorce/difficulties within relationships.

Somerset and Wessex eating disorders association– individual or groups sessions for those struggling with an eating disorder.

Beat Eating Disorders – online support and national helpline for those struggling with an eating disorder or know someone who is and needs support.

Cruse – bereavement support ( 01458 898211)- helpline and advice and information.

Somerset Suicide Bereavement Support Service – support for those bereaved by suicide – one to one or group sessions/ peer support.

Samaritans  -Crisis support – free to call 24/7- 116 123.

Samaritans Email

Papyrus – suicide prevention line – 0800 068 4141 or email – open weekday 0800-2200, weekends 1400-2200

Calm – For men 15-35yrs struggling with mental health/suicidal thoughts

Anxiety UK– become a member for access to one to one support, information and support.

OCD UK – support for those with OCD

Self help leaflets – self help booklets you can read online or print or listen to by audio around a variety of subjects- from anxiety-controlling anger- shyness- stress and many more.

Headspace – download an app (requires subscription) to provide mindfulness/ help with sleep-wake cycle/ mediation/ stress.

Mindspace – mediation and mindfulness online sessions

Sane – emotional support for anyone effected by mental health.

Turning Point – Somerset drugs and alcohol service- support in reducing or stopping harmful use.

Silver line – OR Age UK – to help combat loneliness in the elderly;

Intercom Trust is a lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans+ charity working across Cornwall, Devon, Dorset and the wider South West

TranzWiki is a comprehensive directory of the groups campaigning for, supporting or assisting trans and gender non-conforming individuals, including those who are non-binary and non-gender, as well as their families across the UK.

Young minds – Booklets and leaflets. Parents helpline

Self Injury Support – Self help stratagies on self harm and for carers. Specific helpline for women and girls needing support.

Mental Heath Foundation – Good resources on all mental health. Lots of how to guides in publications

The Somerset Wellbeing Framework – Specific Somerset support. Parent and young person section and support for parents.

Sleep Council – Advice and support on how to sleep better.

Rethink – Information and fact sheets for young person and their families

CWMT – Resources for parents (exam stress)

In Charley’s Memory – 1:1 online counselling based in Somerset

Kooth – Anonymous online support fro young people

With You – an Over 50’s alcohol & drug helpline 0808 801 0750

Survivor Pathway  – A guide for anyone wanting to know more about specialist sexual violence support services in Somerset.

Shout 85258 – Shout 85258 is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. You can text from wherever you are in the UK.

Unbreakable Men  – Somerset Sports & Activity Partnership – Unbreakable Men is all about taking positive action around your Physical and Mental health.